What is the Pledge Drive?

The Willow Creek PTO holds an annual pledge drive to bring in the majority of PTO funds. Every dollar raised goes back to the school, impacting every student.


How are pledge dollars used?

Eighty percent of pledge dollar funds are used to help pay the salaries of the Paras (TAs). Paras provide invaluable support to all K-5 teachers and students throughout each day. In addition to providing classroom support, they supervise recess and manage the lunchroom during each grade-level lunchtime.


Willow Creek Elementary Paras

Paras (above), from left to right: Andrea DSilva, Tsubasa Love, Krista Huang, Annette Politi, Tulika Chowdhary


The remaining money is set aside for teacher grants, grade-level funding, and school improvements. Some examples of how PTO used additional funds last year include: providing new furniture for teachers, Young AmeriTowne supplies for 5th grade, and new classroom books.


How much should I pledge?
We ask that all families pledge $150 per student. At this amount, the PTO can continue to help pay the Paras salaries and have additional funds to help the school throughout the year. The pledge is not limited to this amount. Any extra support is greatly appreciated! Reminder: This a 100% tax deductible donation and many employers will match your contribution!


Who should participate?
We ask for 100% participation! The pledge drive is the school’s biggest fundraiser and your support matters! The more participation we have, the more money we can contribute to the Paras salaries, and help the school in other important ways. Please know we understand this has been a difficult financial year for many and that we appreciate participation at any level. Every dollar counts.


How else does the PTO raise funds?
While the majority of PTO’s budgeted funds come from the pledge drive, there are other optional and easy ways you can help us bring in additional funding to the school. These include: King Soopers Cards, Spirit Night Dinners, Spirit Wear, Mabel’s Labels, Box Tops, Amazon Smile, and the Spring Carnival.